Honor God
Love One Another
Serve Our City
Valley Covenant is a part of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches.
Learn more about the CREC.
Valley Covenant Church is a Reformed, Evangelical church in Lewiston, Idaho. We strive for worship that is reverent, vibrant, and joyful. Each week in worship we confess our sin, sing Psalms and hymns, pray, listen to the sermon, and receive communion. Our members love engaging each other both before and after worship, and we participate in one another’s lives during the week. We “seek the peace and prosperity of the city” (Jeremiah 29:7) where God has placed us by engaging in and supporting various ministries.
Valley Covenant is a church of all ages, and we have a special heart for our children, raising and guiding them in traditional, biblical teaching, so that they may be in the world, but not of it.
We follow a pattern of liturgy known as covenant-renewal worship. Each week, we join together in a Call to Worship, a Confession of Sins, a Confession of Faith, a Study of the Word, Communion, and a Commission.
Our liturgy is designed so that congregants would not be spectators but full participants in the service and the worship of God through responsive readings, the singing of Psalms and hymns, the partaking of Communion, and the recitation of the Apostles’ Creed and the Lord’s Prayer. Our hymns come mainly from a hymnal called The Treasury of Psalms and Hymns. Communion is held every week, and we warmly invite to the Lord’s Table anyone who has professed belief in Jesus Christ and who has been baptized.

Each Sunday we sing hymns from The Treasury of Psalms and Hymns. The Christ Church Music Library is a great resource for learning many of the songs we sing at Valley Covenant.
But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 19:14
At Valley Covenant, you will hear the sound of little children in worship. We do have a place available to take infants and toddlers during the sermon, but we encourage parents to keep their children in worship as much as possible. We want our children to worship with us, because this is where we meet with God. We want our children to know the joy of a relationship with God; we want them to learn how to sing, pray, listen, and commune together with the Triune God. Covenant children are a heritage from the Lord and we are training them to stand up to God’s enemies (Psalm 127:3-5).
If you would like more details on our perspective on children, please read this essay by Dr. Robert Rayburn.

We do not listen to preaching because it makes us feel good or because it is beautiful to hear. We listen to preaching because it is the declaration of our fall in Adam, the result of that fall (death), the promise of a Savior who would come, Jesus’ taking the penalty of our sin on Himself, and His defeating the powers of darkness in His death, burial, and resurrection. We listen to preaching because it is the exposition and application of God’s word to His people; it convicts us of our sin and points to our only hope, the grace of God given to us through Jesus Christ. We listen to preaching because it is how God works in the hearts of His people.
Each week we record our sermons and make them available on our website.